The day you pray for patience for "whatever comes your way" is ALWAYS the day that the craziest things happen!
School is in full swing over here. We are trying to find our groove since we added one more child--Selah--to the school mix, as well as having a very mobile baby to keep up with! If you're a homeschooler, you know that every year you are trying to find a new groove because life is always changing. We are doing pretty well, though. Alec and Linnea are almost 100% independent in all of their work and they are both great learners who love to learn.
So back to today. The day was going along perfectly, but I kept getting a phone call from the same person. I rarely answer the phone during the day because we are usually doing school. I was starting to get curious as to who this repeat caller could be. I told myself that if he were to call back, I would answer.
Being the impatient person that I am, however, I googled his name. I have been forbidden to google, actually, because everytime I google something, it says that I will die soon. Sure enough, the name of the person that I googled is a hospital chaplain at University of Michigan Health System. Of course. Of course I would get a repeated call from the hospital chaplain.....doesn't everybody?
My heart started to race and my imagination went everywhere. All of my kids were with me, so I knew they were okay. Steve was working in Lansing and nothing ever happens to him at work.....PANIC! I couldn't get ahold of him. I knew that this hospital chaplain was trying to reach me to tell me that Steve had died. I knew it.
I ended up calling my dad. "Dad, is everything okay?"
Dad: Yeah, why are you asking me that.
Me: Oh, just wondering. Nobody died today that you know of?
My dad already thinks I am crazy, so this phone call didn't surprise him.
Dad: Can you let my dogs out, I am going to be late. (We live on the same street.)
Sure, dad. The hospital chaplain is calling me over and over, but I would be happy to let your dogs out!
Steve finally called me back. Turns out, the hospital chaplain is also one of the coaches on Luke's soccer league. Silly me! He was trying to get ahold of me because they needed Luke to fill in on the older kids team because they weren't going to have enough players! I finally talked to hospital chaplain at 3:15pm---he needed Luke in Brighton at 4pm.
No problem! I prayed for patience, so I should be good today! We had to race to Wal-Mart to get new shin guards first. Back in the car and getting on the highway, I reached for my phone to call Steve to help me with directions to the place I was supposed to be.
No phone.
Selah: You left it on the counter at Wal-Mart!
Me: How do you know?
Selah: Because I saw it there when we were leaving.
Me: Why didn't you tell me?
Selah: I didn't know you wanted it.
Patience. Glad I prayed for it today!