Friday, June 29, 2012

Beautiful Moments

                                 For you formed my inward parts;  you knitted me together in my mother's  
                                 womb.  I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are 
                                 your works, my soul knows it very well.  Psalm 139:13-14

You know those moments where you share something special with your kids and you know that their response will be just magical?!  Like if it was a movie, you just know that really awesome music would be playing in the background and butterflies would be fluttering about?  I LOVE those moments.

 I have found that really special moments like these tend to be spontaneous--they ask a question and I, of course, have a perfect answer! 

Actually, I had one of those moments today during lunch. 

Caleb:  Mom, what is a period?

Me:  It's that little dot at the end of a sentence.

Caleb:  No, Mom, like what girls get.

Oh, WOW!  Here's my opportunity to share how God designed our bodies so perfectly to conceive, grow, and carry a little miraculous life!!  Yay for these moments!

Me:  Well, every month, a woman releases an egg and during that time the part of the body that carries a baby gets really thick, like a blanket, with blood.  That way, if the egg becomes a baby, the baby will bury itself into the blood blanket and grow!  But, if the egg doesn't become a baby, the woman doesn't need the blood blanket and it comes out of her body.  ISN'T THAT AMAZING??

Beautiful music, butterflies fluttering, children dancing around.....

Luke: That is gross and now you owe me an apology for having to hear that.

Sometimes those special moments don't really go as planned.  Definitely don't think Luke is ready to hear how the egg becomes a baby!

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